Follow the Postgres brick road: a journey of testing against a real database server

Описание к видео Follow the Postgres brick road: a journey of testing against a real database server

(Huon Wilson) Tests are good. Code that uses a database is good. Testing code that uses a database is great… But it's not so easy to do well. Let's follow our journey through various pitfalls to make testing against a local PostgreSQL instance informative, reliable and fast, so that we have fewer horrible surprises once code gets to production.

python, pycon, australia, programming, conference, technical, developers, panel, sessions, libraries, frameworks, community, sysadmins, students, education, data, science

Videos licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

PyCon AU is the national conference for the Python programming community, bringing together professional, student and enthusiast developers, sysadmins and operations folk, students, educators, scientists, statisticians, and many others besides, all with a love for working with Python.

Licensed as CC BY-NC-SA -

Produced by Next Day Video Australia:

Sun Nov 24 11:55:00 2024 at Eureka 3


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