Built Protein Bars Review - Salted Caramel

Описание к видео Built Protein Bars Review - Salted Caramel

Hello everyone! this is my Built protein bars review in the Salted Caramel flavor. This bar ha 130 calories, and 17g of protein. Great for building muscle while keeping your overall calories low. This is one of the lowest-calorie protein bars, and it has a different texture than most bars.
The Built protein bars are incredibly chewy. I had to speed up the chewing in this 8x !!
I enjoy the chewiness but I know people that dislike it. It really depends on if you like that or not!

Built bar salted caramel flavor: 8.5/10
Built bar macronutrients: 10/10
Overall 8.5/10

It tastes like a salty milk dud (candy)

Check out my other protein bar reviews

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