イムユンチャン!初来日の衝撃!🏅🎹2022ヴァンクライバーンコンクール、임윤찬 、Yunchan Lim、イム・ユンチャン 、ブルースリウ、反田恭平、亀井聖矢、韓国天才ピアニスト!!

Описание к видео イムユンチャン!初来日の衝撃!🏅🎹2022ヴァンクライバーンコンクール、임윤찬 、Yunchan Lim、イム・ユンチャン 、ブルースリウ、反田恭平、亀井聖矢、韓国天才ピアニスト!!


【🇺🇸🇰🇷google translate↓↓↓】

Today, I would like to introduce the first performance in Japan of Yunchan Lim from South Korea, who won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.

The first thing I noticed was that there were a lot of female fans, and everyone was lined up to take a commemorative photo at the entrance.

Many people spoke Korean in the lobby cloakroom, so I had the impression that there were more Koreans.

The venue was full and filled with the strange heat of waiting for a superstar.

This item, which was casually included in the program at the afternoon concert, was made in Korea and was a product of the sponsor.

Prior to the performance, there were announcements saying that the performers were not allowed to take photos or videos, and that they refrained from speaking, such as Bravo, but staff members holding signs that seemed to be mainly for foreigners went around all the seats. The sight was interesting.

And finally Yunchan Lim appeared in front of me for the first time. I thought He was a little more mature, but He was a lovely young man with mushroom hair.

It took some time between sitting in the chair and making his first note. He made the first sound with all heart. After that, it was like a dream world. After Franz Liszt's performance in the second half, the audience cheered and applauded. The frenzy was amazing.

The encore was Bach's Siciliano. It was a wonderful performance that calmed the audience who were excited by Franz Liszt's performance.

It might have been a good thing that the encore was only one piece and ended when I wanted to hear more. Because he has a long playing career. He has also become one of the pianists I would love to hear when he comes to Japan!


오늘은 반 클라이번 국제 피아노 콩쿠르에서 우승한 한국의 임윤찬의 일본 첫 공연을 소개하고자 합니다.

가장 먼저 눈에 띈 것은 여성 팬들이 많고 입구에서 모두 기념사진을 찍기 위해 줄을 섰다는 것.

로비 물품보관소에 한국말 하시는 분들이 많아서 한국인이 더 많다는 인상을 받았습니다.

공연장은 슈퍼스타를 기다리는 묘한 열기로 가득 찼다.

오후 콘서트에서 무심코 프로그램에 포함된 이 아이템은 Made in Korea로 스폰서 제품이었습니다.

공연에 앞서 출연자들은 사진이나 영상 촬영을 금지하고 브라보 등 발언을 자제한다는 안내방송이 나왔는데 주로 외국인 전용으로 보이는 팻말을 든 스태프들이 전석을 돌았다. 그 광경은 흥미로웠다.

그리고 드디어 내 앞에 임윤찬이 처음으로 나타났다. 조금 더 어른스럽다고 생각했는데 버섯머리를 한 사랑스러운 청년이었다.

의자에 앉아 첫 번째 메모를 작성하는 데 약간의 시간이 걸렸습니다. 그는 온 마음을 다해 첫 소리를 냈다. 그 후, 그것은 꿈의 세계와 같았습니다. 후반 프란츠 리스트의 공연이 끝난 뒤 관객들은 환호하며 박수를 보냈다. 광란은 놀랍습니다.

앙코르는 바흐의 시칠리아노였다. 프란츠 리스트의 연주에 들뜬 관객들을 진정시키는 멋진 연주였다.

앵콜은 한 곡으로만 하고 더 듣고 싶을 때 끝나는 게 좋았을지도 모르겠다. 선수 경력이 길기 때문이다. 일본에 오면 꼭 듣고 싶은 피아니스트이기도 합니다!


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