Domino Projects 5 - 22,000 Dominoes

Описание к видео Domino Projects 5 - 22,000 Dominoes

Well.. here it is! This is my newest and best installment of the Domino Projects series. Domino Projects 5 is out! This video in total features 22,000 dominoes, my new record for most dominoes in a solo video! (okay, well actually LIGHTNING Domino helped me with the stop and go wall clip) I've been collecting clips and recently I've built clips dedicated to this video, and I'm extremely glad about how this turned out!

Oh my gosh 140000 views thank you so much!

I should really get working on dp6 lol

Also, the last project with the triangular structure was the biggest triangular structure ever, with 5,115 dominoes! Yay!

Music: Vexento - Home (such a chill song, I think it's perfect for this type of video)

There were four fail edits in this video.

The first one was in the stop and go wall clip, when the wall started falling, the weight of the dominoes on top stopped it.

The second one was in the clip with the "compact speedwall" and the ball trick at the beginning, the string hit the shades and then didn't reach the gray wall.

The third was in the rainbow clip. I didn't check that project over and forgot to put in the first domino after the direction changer. Oof.

The final one was in the carpet domino setup. The trick right before the pyramid at the end was too spread out, so it didn't hit the next one and stopped ;(

so yeah thanks for all the support everyone ;) let's hit 100k views if that's not too out of reach :D I think we can do it!

Watch the video! ^^

okay bye.


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