Farming in Father's Day

Описание к видео Farming in Father's Day

Available from - This DVD is the latest release from Primetime Videos. Featuring a family run farm, on the Fenland border of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Featuring colour archive material from the 1940s and 1950s. Gangs of men and women are seen hard at work in the fields, doing jobs that have long since been mechanised. Horses are still plentiful, and a steam threshing set was hard at work, but Farmall tractors, IH crawlers and the combines are gradually taking over. The cropping included grains for sale and for the livestock; beet, peas and potatoes as cash crops, and fodder beet for the Lincoln Red Cattle kept on the Farm. As the 'boys' look back at Farming in Father's Day, we too can enjoy a unique glimpse of a style of farming that has gone forever.
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