Hsien Teleport Cancel (Plink dashing)

Описание к видео Hsien Teleport Cancel (Plink dashing)

Plink dashing was discovered a while back.
I do not take credit of any of this except Hsien-Ko teleport cancel.

Plink dashing allows characters to dash immediately from their dash recovery.
Instead of wavedashing which cut your dash in half, Plink dashing give you full distance and immediate dash when recovered.

Plink dashing only work with M+L, H+M, and H+M+L
The game engine doesn't read M+L/H+M/H+M+L as M+L/H+M/H+M+L. The game reads in the input display M,L/H,M/H,M,L
Though the game act M,L/H,M/H,M,L as M+L/H+M/H+M+L

Also Plink dashing doesn't not cut startup/recovery for other character.
Only Hsien Ko teleport get cut.

There a video before talking about Plink dashing...
Well it work with every character.


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