Program Overview: Healthcare Professional Information Series

Описание к видео Program Overview: Healthcare Professional Information Series

The American College of Radiology has created a series of informational animated videos to educate healthcare professionals on imaging and patient- and family-centered care topics. Each animated video is approximately one minute in length – consistent with the way many people seek information.

The goals for the animated video program are to:

1. Answer common healthcare professional questions on imaging.
2. Inform healthcare professionals on patient- and family-centered care topics and programs.
3. Provide a resource to help healthcare professionals and patients engage in shared decision making about imaging tests.

As a healthcare professional, providing truly patient-centered care is more than just listening to patients. It requires providing the resources and opportunities for patients to actively partner with you and participate in their care.

The Full Playlist of the Healthcare Professional Information Series animations is here:
   • Healthcare Professional Information S...  

Patient- and Family Centered Care Information Hub at ACR: - The Radiology Information Resource Online for Patients

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