Why Denver’s car-free experiment is here to stay

Описание к видео Why Denver’s car-free experiment is here to stay

An ode to the 16th Street Mall - and there's no way you saw this one coming 😎

Huge thank you to Ellen and the Downtown Denver Partnership for helping out - it was great to chat with someone directly involved in the Mall's future, and hope y'all enjoy the interview parts of the video :)

Denver has plenty of transit stories, from the Eagle P3 to the historic streetcar network, but the story behind the free Mallride was just too odd to ignore. It's honestly one of the better transit services I've ever taken - it's free, frequent, and actually provides useful connections to the RTD.

So I dug deeper and decided to make a video. I think the #freeMallride provides a great example of reducing the total cost gap between cars and transit, while giving other cities a blueprint for making similar improvements.

And thanks to ‪@grimecho‬ for the great drone clip:    • 16th Street Mall Downtown Denver (4K)   - maybe I should get one too lol

00:00 Intro
01:02 What even is this
04:20 Why it's here to stay (why it works)
07:05 How other cities can do the same
09:04 Caveats and conclusions
09:57 Next video: Chicago


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