Seeing Red: Exploring How Hackers Gain Access

Описание к видео Seeing Red: Exploring How Hackers Gain Access

Mavenspire and Ingram-Micro invite you to join the dark side!

Get ready to witness real-time hacking and gain insights into the tactics used to breach defenses.

Our expert-led session navigates you through the art of the hack, exploring topics such as:

The cunning tactics of identity attacks.
The stealthy art of full-environment reconnaissance.
The intricate web of command and control of compromised machines.
The silent danger of data exfiltration.
The alarming reality of complete environmental compromise.

But that's not all – we also arm you with the knowledge to fortify your defenses:

Understand why defense in depth transcends beyond firewalls and endpoint security.
Learn how secure identity and access management safeguards your most critical assets.
Discover why threat detection is pivotal – if you can't see it, you can't protect it.
Embrace behavior-based security measures for proactive protection.


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