A Review Paper on “Smart Railway Crossing using Microcontroller”

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A Review Paper on “Smart Railway Crossing using Microcontroller”

Prof. Sushant M. Gajbhiye , Prof. Raju A. Bondre , Prof. Zen P. Raut

The main purpose of this research paper is to reduce the railway accidents occurring at the level crossings (Intersection Points). Railway is the vast mode of the transportations in India and it is the cheapest way for travelling. So there are more numbers of rail users and it is not easy to stop railway anywhere to obstruct accident, due to that there are major drawbacks of that. At present anunmanned system is available at level crossings and hence, lots of accidents occur at such crossings, since there is no one to take responsibility of the functioning of the railway gate when a train reaching the crossing.

The objective of this research paper is to handle and control the system of railway gate by applying the microcontroller. This model includes infrared (IR) sensors, radio frequency indication

device (RFID), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD),Light-emitting diode (LED), Lights, buzzer, motor driver and microcontroller. In the self-regulating railway gate control system, at the level crossing the meeting of the train is identify by the IR sensor and RFID placed close to the gate. In case of RFID it identifies only meeting of train. Hence, the time for which it is closed is less compared to the manually operated gates and reduces the human labor. As the whole system is automated fault occurring due to manual operation are restricted because the corrected of automated operation is more than the manned operation. Side sensor activated and the signal about the removal is sent to the microcontroller and motor turns in further direction and gate opens and motor shut down automatically.


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