CORCS GP 2024 - Vet C 30 Class

Описание к видео CORCS GP 2024 - Vet C 30 Class

KOOLDAD's First Race!

It went great for my first go at it!! Definitely room for improvement and there are several things I plan to work on. Overall, I took 5th out of the gate but I lost several positions while I got in a groove during the first couple laps but I estimate I was in 4th or 5th in the final lap until I botched up a turn (stalled the bike and such) and ended up finishing 7th due to the time loss.

It was a mix of moto and enduro type racing. It was a 3.9 mile track that we raced for 1hr and 15min + 1 lap. I was sooooo exhausted after!


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