15 से 25 साल के बच्चों के माता-पिता के लिए जरुरी बातें | Saint MSG's Parenting Tips for Teenagers

Описание к видео 15 से 25 साल के बच्चों के माता-पिता के लिए जरुरी बातें | Saint MSG's Parenting Tips for Teenagers

यदि आपका बच्चा भी है 15 से 25 साल का और आप उसे देना चाहते है अच्छे संस्कार व एक स्वस्थ - सुरक्षित जीवन, तो यह वीडियो जरूर देखें. संत डॉ. गुरमीत राम रहीम सिंह जी इंसान की यह पेरेंटिंग टिप्स आप के बच्चों के भविष्य के लिए बहुत जरुरी है…

In this Online Gurukul Episode, Watch and Listen to Saint Dr. MSG's Parenting Advice and Tips for Parents of Children aged 15 - 25 years!

For parents of teenagers aged between 15 to 25, the Spiritual Master Saint Dr. MSG Insan offers a valuable tip - Be a friend to your child during these important years.

Saint Dr. MSG Insan stresses the importance of not just being a parent but also being a friend during this crucial phase.

This means having open conversations about the physical, emotional, and mental changes they're experiencing and will have to go through...

By doing so, you're building trust and providing them with a solid emotional foundation for adulthood.

So, spend quality time with them, listen, and share your experiences, as this can make all the difference in helping them navigate the challenges of these transformative years.

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