Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba | Divine Visit to Jamnagar, Dwaraka, Somnath | May 1970

Описание к видео Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba | Divine Visit to Jamnagar, Dwaraka, Somnath | May 1970

Swami would always say, "I am sugar, and you are all ants. Ants come to the sugar, the sugar doesn't come to the ants!" Yet there were times when this embodiment of Divine Sweetness traveled to various places across India over the decades, sanctifying them with the touch of His Lotus Feet. Three such places were the cities of Jamnagar, Dwaraka, and the temple city Somnath. This video shows glimpses of Swami's visit in May 1970, in which He visits devotees' houses, delivers Divine Discourses, and revitalizes these places of pilgrimage. The highlight of this video is Swami materializing a beautiful idol of Lord Krishna from the ocean sands while in Dwaraka. What a sight to behold the same Krishna in His 6000 year old home again! We see the Raja of Jamnagar with Swami, someone who was like a mother figure to Swami and who stands as a rare gem among Sai devotees. We also see the Holy Mother Easwaramma who, though in her advanced age, walks around so energetically with our bubbly Lord, being a protective mother to the Protector of the whole universe. Enjoy this journey down memory lane!


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