Beginners Shoulders Workout . Get Toned arms Under 20 minutes. 4 Exercises Including short warmup

Описание к видео Beginners Shoulders Workout . Get Toned arms Under 20 minutes. 4 Exercises Including short warmup

Welcome to CamyFit 30 Day Challenge.  This workout has four shoulder exercise.  This shoulder workout can be used for beginner level also for advanced level depending on your weights in this video I’m using 5 pound dumbbells. I want to protect my shoulders. I am also recovering from a minor shoulder injury, but otherwise this workout includes a short three minute warm-up and you’ll have fun toning your shoulders with this. It has three sets of 10 and 12 reps, under 20 minutes grab your mat your water your towel your weights and if you are recovering from a shoulder injury as I am, you can also do this work out without any weights and go through the motions. Thank you for watching the workout. Sorry for the sound, sound on camera defaulted outdoors. Thanks for your patience.
#alllevels #30daychallenge #subscribe #easyrecipe #workouts #beginnerworkout #shoulderworkout #includeswarmup #camyfit #under20

Disclaimer: Camyfit is not liable in any way or form for this workout or cooking/recipe video.
Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise or nutrition information form this video. Also you are assuming you are at your own risk when following this or any exercise program or diet.


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