Love Juice: Zen of Dating

Описание к видео Love Juice: Zen of Dating

In this interview, Mark interviews Love Juice about utilizing the eastern philosophy of Zen in your pickups, and to tern and instant date into an instant lay.

Who is Love Juice?

Love Juice is the founder and lead coach of the Green Light District, and focusses on teaching men the Zen art of meeting women.

What’s covered in this interview

The zen of pickup
What the ego is and how it gets in your way in the field and hinders your progress
How exceptions will always lead to you feeling let down in the approach
Using the teachings of martial arts to read her body language
Developing your reflexes for social awareness
The four modes of practice to learn anything
Understanding the principals of attraction and relating it to your identify
Situational confidence vs core confidence and the keys that can help you build it for any situation
Understanding that the process is more important than the end goal
The principals of zen that translate into pickup
Passing on good energy to the women and the effect it’ll have on building attraction
The fast pull method and bedding a girl within an hour of first meeting her
Powerful direct openers that show off your dominance
Overcoming logic with emotion to deal with her objections
What NOT to do as a ‘pickup artist’, and how she’ll call you out of trying tactics on her
An exercise for removing approach anxiety
Tantric sex, and embracing sexual energy in your intimacy
Overcoming pre-mature ejaculation
The fundamentals of ‘game’ that you need at the core of everything


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