A Homebrew 455 kHz BFO

Описание к видео A Homebrew 455 kHz BFO

This video describes my construction of a 455 kHz Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) to resolve SSB and CW signals on an old AM radio receiver. I undertook this project at the requesy of an amateur radio friend ; Charlie (EI2EM). The range or swing of the BFO is about 6 kHZ. Instead of using an expensive variable tuning capacitor for adjustment by the user, I took advantage of some varicap diodes which I had in my junk box, using a 100K linear potentiometer.

I had to make some minor changes to John Fuhring's (WA6TLP) original citcuit to enable the BFO to oscillate reliably. I am grateful to John for the design idea.John's wonderful vintage wireless website can be found at


Best 73 de Tony, EI5EM


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