Educația copiilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale” | Cecilia Moței | TEDxPiataUniriiED

Описание к видео Educația copiilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale” | Cecilia Moței | TEDxPiataUniriiED

Atunci când faci parte din universul copiilor cu cerințe speciale trebuie să fii blând ca o preoteasă, dar și soldat, să le aperi drepturile în fiecare zi: să se joace cu ceilalți, să fie invitați la zilele de naștere ale colegilor, să facă parte din procesul educațional. Sunt drepturi simple. Pentru ei fiecare zi e o provocare. Este responsabilitatea noastră să dărâmăm barierele.

Cecilia Moțoi a lucrat în stagii de voluntariat în Ghana și Iordania alături de copii cu tulburări de spectru autist (TSA) și sindromul Down. Psiholog clinician acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din România, sprijină de 7 ani programul terapeutic al copiilor cu TSA.

Education of children with special educational needs

When you are part of the children with special needs universe you must be gentle like a priestess, but also like a soldier to fight daily for their rights: to play with other children, to be invited a birthday parties of school colleagues, to be part of the educational process. This are simple rights. For them, every day is a challenge. It is our responsibility to break downs the walls.

Moței Cecilia is a clinical psychologist accredited by COPSI, and during this period she specializes in behavioral analysis, she attends Clemson University courses and has completed training courses in Resource and Solution-Based Collaborative Therapy and Master of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Counseling. She has been supporting the therapeutic program for children with TSA for seven years, implementing the principles of applied analysis, supporting personal development workshops for children and parents. During this period, Cecilia participated in volunteer internships in countries such as Ghana (Africa) and Jordan (Asia) where she worked with children with TSA and Down Syndrome, she supported personal development programs for children with autism, currently running work in his own psychology cabinet. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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