Chapter116 Yuddha Kandam-Shrimad Valmiki Ramayanam - Recitation with lyrics

Описание к видео Chapter116 Yuddha Kandam-Shrimad Valmiki Ramayanam - Recitation with lyrics

As instructed by Rama, Hanuman enters Lanka and sees the dejected Seetha surrounded by the rakshasis. Hanuman consoles Seetha by conveying the news of victory and the message given by Rama. Seetha is ecstatic and appreciates Hanuman with a choked voice. Hanuman offers to destroy the rakshsis who were cruel but Seetha forbids Hanuman saying that they were only obeying the instructions given by their master. Thereafter Hanuman returns to Rama after assuring Seetha that she would soon be meeting Rama.

For Sundarakandam, I have followed the book published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore Chennai 600004 - original Sanskrit with English transliteration by Swami Tapasyananda.

For all other Kandams, I acknowledge with thanks the kind support extended by Sri Vigneswara Venkateswara Trust to enable us publish the script in line with the recitation.Kindly contact them on phone 044-24992155 to order your copy of the Shrimad Ramayanam book.

This video is made in the memory of my mother Late Jayalakshmi Santhanam, who taught the Shrimad Bhagawatam, Ramayanam, Narayaneeyam and The Bhagwat Gita to hundreds of devotees who call ourselves as 'Krishnapriya'.


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