Leather Coat by Don Toliver Cover at sunset

Описание к видео Leather Coat by Don Toliver Cover at sunset

Lately I've been thinking about how sometimes it seems like I have to sacrifice music to do music. I've successfully changed my life to be around music every day for the most part, even to how I earn money. Yet as I'm pursuing other things I want/need to do, there seems to be less and less time to just rehearse and work on songs and be an artist. The day I recorded this was actually my birthday- I escaped to the park with my mom and my guitar, with just enough time to play a few songs before the park closed. It feels fitting that you can hear the park rangers telling us to get out in this video, like saying "you'll have to wait until another day again, Des." Sometimes it feels like I've been waiting forever. It's just because I'm being called to a higher purpose. I'm trying to stay patient and diligent.


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