Alien Invasive Species: Eucalyptus Tree Threatened

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The Eucalyptus tree commonly known as “the gum tree” in Zimbabwe is an exotic species that is believed to have originated from Australia. It was brought into Zimbabwe to provide communities with wood for timber and fuel.
Unfortunately, commonly grown species of this tree are now under threat from three deadly invasive alien pests namely;
The bronze bug.
The blue gum Chalcid
The red gum lerp Psyllid
The Nyamutasa tree woodlot – In Wedza district, 139 kilometers South of Harare City - is just one of the many across the country that have been affected by the alien pests. The once thriving trees are fast wilting away, and with them, the livelihoods of the communities.
To address the threat posed by these invasive species, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe are helping the farmers to find solutions to manage these fast spreading pests.


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