What Are the HRA Attestation Requirements?

Описание к видео What Are the HRA Attestation Requirements?

If you offer or plan to offer a stand-alone health reimbursement arrangement at your organization, you need to know the HRA attestation requirements.

The qualified small employer HRA, or QSEHRA, and the individual coverage HRA, or ICHRA, are personalized, defined contribution health benefits. They allow employers to reimburse their employees tax-free for their health insurance premiums and other qualifying out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Employees must have a qualifying form of health insurance to participate in an HRA.To ensure your employees comply with this requirement, the federal government requires them to attest they have proper health coverage before you can reimburse them.

In this video, I’ll explain the attestation requirements for QSEHRAs and ICHRAs. I’ll also explain how PeopleKeep’s HRA software can help your employees comply with federal regulations.

0:00 - Introduction
1:02 - What are the QSEHRA attestation requirements?
2:45 - What are the ICHRA attestation requirements?
3:55 - How PeopleKeep's HRA software helps
5:16 - Conclusion

Federal regulations require employers to comply with HRA attestation. However, there’s no need for you to tackle these requirements on your own. PeopleKeep’s HRA administration software simplifies the most time-consuming tasks, like storing receipts and invoices, preparing plan documents, and reviewing reimbursement requests. Plus, our software makes the attestation process easy for your employees.

For both the QSEHRA and ICHRA, our documentation review team checks the expense submission information before notifying you if and when the expense is approved for reimbursement. This ensures you don’t disburse reimbursements until everything is accurate.

You can learn more about HRA attestation in our blog post on the topic: https://www.peoplekeep.com/blog/what-...

PeopleKeep, part of Remodel Health, helps small and midsize businesses set up and manage their HRAs.


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