VINES & BRANCHES - Sunday, May 2, 2021

Описание к видео VINES & BRANCHES - Sunday, May 2, 2021

We are so pleased to share this time of worship with you, as we continue through the season of Easter.

If you would like to make an offering, learn about our activities, or sign up for our email list, please visit:​​​

Order of service:
Welcome, Lighting the Christ Candle and Territory Acknowledgement
Scripture - John 15: 1-8
Opening Hymn - VU 465 Christ, Be Our Host
Poem - "A Single Grape"
Virtual Choir Anthem - For the Beauty of the Earth by Rutter
A New Creed
Small Spiritual Practice
Closing Hymn - VU 436 "Abide with me, O Christ, the one true vine"
Sung Blessing - An Irish Blessing arr. James Moore

Closing Hymn "Abide with me, O Christ, the one true vine" written by Elaine Bidgood Sveet. Gathering, Lent/Easter 2021, page 23. Used with permission.

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service from OneLicense No. A-607260.

Leaside United Church
822 Millwood Road
Toronto, Ontario


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