Hundreds of Yeshiva students pay respect to Seforim damaged by Hurricane Sandy

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Far Rockaway, NY /

In a moving and emotional tribute, Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway this morning turned out in force for a levaya for the innumerable seforim and other kisvei kodesh that were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy last month.
One of the three trucks containing shaimos from the greater Far Rockaway away stopped at the yeshiva's Beach 19th Street parking lot at 9:15 this morning, where the entire student body, ranging from Pre 1A through Beis Medrash, gathered to say tehillim for the seforim that were lost.
Rabbi Yaakov Bender, menahel of the yeshiva called the loss of so many seforim "a churban for klal yisroel" and said that he hopes that by taking part in the actual levaya, talmidim will gain a further appreciation and respect for seforim.

Rabbi Zevi Trenk and Rabbi Shlomo Avigdor Altusky both exhorted all those assembled to increase their learning in the wake of the last month's devastating storm.
Following the levaya, the crowd accompanied the truck as it made its way out of the yeshiva's parking lot. The shaimos will be buried upstate in Mountaindale, New York.


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