Where Does Latin Come From?

Описание к видео Where Does Latin Come From?

In this video, we will take a quick look at where Latin comes from and its connection to other languages around the world (Indo-European ones). This is not meant to be comprehensive, but a tool to encourage students to think about the "big picture" of Latin and how languages spread and impact the world!

*Update* as some of you have mentioned, I am misspeaking about halfway through the video -- I clearly didn't listen closely enough to my audio before posting! At the 5:45 mark, I mistakenly say that the British tribes were speaking a Germanic language at the time Caesar and Claudius invade. This is a mistake -- they spoke Celtic languages. Apologies for the slip! Gratias to those of you who caught this and commented!

If you want to learn more about the origins of Latin, I'd suggest taking a look at my website linked below. There, you'll find more resources to help! -- Mr. C



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