
Описание к видео 国際結婚。父の感動スピーチ「これが日本人なら怒って突き返していた」結婚式

#国際結婚 #結婚式 #謝辞 #結婚式スピーチ






Hi.everyone This is Sumi. The other day, I received a request to know more about international marriage and how Japanese parents think about it.
I grew up with a family with traditional Japanese customs and ideas, and I have never talked about romance relationship in front of my parents...so my parents would have been very surprised when the first person I introduced was a foreigner.

Currently I moved to France, but before that I lived together with him in Japan for two years and had a wedding in Japan.
My parents didn’t agree with living together before marriage, and I was very anxious too. I appreciate that we reached to this point because we had parents and friends who believed and watched over us and supported us. ..

Some people in Japan, especially my parents were the Japanese in the Showa era (traditional mindset), may have anxieties, prejudices against foreigners and misunderstandings because of language.

However, even if they don't tell you, they see your passions and actions. and in their heart, they are supporting you with love.

Those who are currently in an international relationship or those
who are interested in the way Japanese parents and others think about international marriage, I hope you find this video helpful.


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