Mystique Origins - This Deadly Seductress Shapeshifting Mutant Is Multi-Centuries Old X-Men Foe!

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Enigmatic and intimidating do no justice when used to describe someone like Raven Darkholme, better known as Mystique. Needless to say, it so seems that she stands true to her name – with almost nothing known of her terrorist-agenda origin or her early life. Her shape-shifting abilities stood out and became her identity, and her detective skills were also quite good. On her journey, she befriended Irene Adler who was a mutant like her and had the ability to see the future. The duo was a powerful pair when working together.
A complicated history spanning over centuries, Mystique was first seen in Issue 16 of the Ms. Marvel series. Eventually, she was revealed to have been born in Austria and was the biological mother of Nightcrawler. With another mutant Sabretooth, she had a second child who came to be known as Graydon Creed. She also adopted Rogue, another well-known member of X-Men

0:00 Intro
1:42 MYSTIQUE: Origin Story and First Comic Appearances Explored
6:46 MYSTIQUE: A Regular in the X-Men Animated Universe
8:21 MYSTIQUE: X-Men Movies Would be Incomplete Without Her Presence!
15:27 MYSTIQUE: What Makes Mystique Such a Powerhouse?
16:38 MYSTIQUE: Closing In


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