The Art of Apologizing | Joanne Alturki | TEDEdClub Kifah

Описание к видео The Art of Apologizing | Joanne Alturki | TEDEdClub Kifah

Saying that you’re sorry isn’t enough, it doesn’t benefit you or anyone else for the matter. Here’s my—Joanne Alturki’s take on how we should be apologizing in order to learn, grow and move on from our disagreements.

Joanne Alturki is a zealous Saudi youth with a passion for debating about topics that society finds controversial- this led her to found Give A Helping Hand a non-profit organization that aims to spread awareness about socially discouraged subjects. In her free time, she enjoys learning about behavioral phycology and reading true crime novels.

Facilitator: Kifah TedEd

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This presentation was completed by participating in a TED-Ed program and produced independently of the TED Conferences. Only approved participants are able to upload TED-Ed Student Talks.

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