Family history of brain aneurysm? Get screened!

Описание к видео Family history of brain aneurysm? Get screened!

Before Susan Stewart’s father had a brain aneurysm, she didn’t know that aneurysms were an important part of her family’s medical history. But at the suggestion of her father’s neurosurgeon, Quill Turk, DO, Susan got screened and doctors found a small aneurysm located near the base of her brain. “If Dr. Turk hadn’t told me about my increased risk for aneurysm and encouraged me to get that first scan, this could have turned out very differently,” she said. Individuals with a family history of brain aneurysms are more likely to develop one themselves, and those that do develop are more likely to rupture. Talk to your family about brain health and learn about your family history to see if you should get screened.


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