Behold The Beloved - "TRENCHES" (Lyric Video)

Описание к видео Behold The Beloved - "TRENCHES" (Lyric Video)

"Trenches" is a song that speaks about the church rising as one to declare the name of Jesus no matter the cost. It is the song that ultimately inspire the album to be called "No Surrender". As individuals or as one church body, we will all go through trials and persecution for our beliefs. There will always be something that rises against us as believers and this song is our war cry. "We will stand our ground, defy the gates of hell". We will burn our white flags and never surrender to anything this world and the enemy has to throw at us. We will break strongholds and celebrate our victories, just as Jesus did when He conquered death. In the worst parts of our lives when we feel pinned down and broken, we need to be reminded that Jesus is always faithful in the trenches. He will never leave us to rot, but will fight along side us. As a church and body of believers, we should never compromise with this world. We need to stand firm on what is true. The day that we veer off and start teaching on the ways of this world so our faith fits in, we will do a disservice to our children on the true love of Christ and His teachings. We will set them up for a life of heartache and destruction. We as a church need to do better. For ourselves, for our children, and for this world. To rise up and wear His name proud. To share His love with this world burning to ash. We are the army chosen to stand on the frontline facing the darkness as it falls. War is more than flesh and blood, its a spiritual battle for every individual soul. We have won the war through the blood of Christ, we know the end of the story. This war will come to every soul and when it does there is a choice to be made. To stand firm on the line or fall into darkness. As a church we need to always push that line further, so that everyone has a chance to make a fair choice. To have the opportunity to know about a love that's unconditional. A love that died on the cross for them. It's time we stopped hiding behind our church pews. To forget about popularity, attendance number, and rejection. We have the playbook and the cheat code to victory. We need to rise up as one and be bold, knowing we have the almighty commander by our side. We will never back down and we will never quit. Burn the white flag, NO SURRENDER!


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