Hodj 'n Podj Intro

Описание к видео Hodj 'n Podj Intro

Hodj 'n' Podj is a video game released in 1995 designed by video game veteran Steven Meretzky. The game is a collection of reworked puzzle games such as Battleship, Poker, Slots, Cryptograms, and Memory loosely tied together with an overarching goal to save two princesses.

Boffo's first game, it was published by Virgin Interactive but was originally developed for Media Vision. Media Vision restructured after a massive securities fraud scandal in 1994 and the title was purchased by Virgin at the bankruptcy auctions.

The game itself plays similarly to Mario Party, being a competitive board game that ties together several minigames.

The Animation in the intro is superb for a 90's PC game and the voice actors are of a quality similar to a children's TV series. It's a shame it wasn't ported to more platforms.

Would have been interesting to have a version on home consoles like the Playstation. Especially to have 2 other coloured princes (Rodj and Todj?) to make it a 4 player party game. Not to be sadly.


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