Southern California Zero Emission Truck Infrastructure Study Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #5

Описание к видео Southern California Zero Emission Truck Infrastructure Study Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #5

SCAG has initiated the "Southern California Zero Emission Truck Infrastructure Study" (SCAG-ZETI) to establish a roadmap for an accessible and reliable public electric vehicle charging network for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in the SCAG region. Medium- and heavy-duty vehicles include semi-tractor trailers, delivery trucks, and drayage vehicles.

This study will focus on developing infrastructure for both battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell trucks. The study also includes a truck market study to calculate the expected demand for charging and fueling stations. Engagement efforts include surveys of truck drivers, fleet operators, and warehouse operators, as well as interviews and focus groups with fleet operators, developers, operators of terminals and intermodal facilities, and community organizations.

The study's findings and products will be incorporated into the Electric Truck Research and Utilization Center Project, funded by the California Energy Commission Research Hub for Electric Technologies in Truck Applications Program and led by the Electric Power Research Institute.

Read more about the study at

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #5 Agenda:
0:00 Welcome and Introductions
2:28 Update on Progress to Date
5:36 Initial Modeling Results
Review Inputs
Provide Modeling Results
49:29 Siting Criteria Continued
52:06 Siting Tool Overview
Discussion of Typologies with TAC Input
1:21:00 Next Steps


Информация по комментариям в разработке