Ансамбль Калина "ПЕРЕПЕЛКА" Запевает Оксана Солтанова, в гостях у "МИТРОФАНОВНЫ"

Описание к видео Ансамбль Калина "ПЕРЕПЕЛКА" Запевает Оксана Солтанова, в гостях у "МИТРОФАНОВНЫ"

Не высказать словами как душевно и трогательно была исполнена песня Оксаной "Солтановой "Перепелка, солисткой ансамбля "Калина". Зрители концерта "В гостях у Митрофановны" слушали песню на одном дыхании, и долго не отпускали артистов со сцены овациями. Погрузитесь и вы в ту замечательную атмосферу концерта. ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА КАНАЛ, СТАВЬТЕ ЛАЙКИ, КОМЕНТИРУЙТЕ.
It is impossible to express in words how sincerely and touchingly the song was performed by Oksana "Soltanova "Quail, the soloist of the Kalina ensemble. The audience of the concert "Visiting Mitrofanovna" listened to the song in one breath, and for a long time did not let the artists off the stage with ovations. Immerse yourself in that wonderful atmosphere of the concert. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, PUT LIKES, COMMENT.
It is impossible to express in words how sincerely and touchingly the song was performed by Oksana "Soltanova "Quail, the soloist of the Kalina ensemble. The audience of the concert "Visiting Mitrofanovna" listened to the song in one breath, and for a long time did not let the artists off the stage with ovations. Immerse yourself in that wonderful atmosphere of the concert. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, PUT LIKES, COMMENT.


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