The Baith of Rabiyathul Adaviyyah Radhiallahu Anha - by As Syed Alavi Moulana

Описание к видео The Baith of Rabiyathul Adaviyyah Radhiallahu Anha - by As Syed Alavi Moulana

This is a Baith sang by Rabiyathul Adaviyyah Radhiallahu Anha who was born in Hijri 100. In this video singing by "Kaleefathush Shazuly" - Al Haj, Moulavi, As Seyed Alavi Mowlana (Al Mursi, Shazuly, Jamalullail) He is from Holy Ahlul Baith family. He is one of the most popular Islamic scholars in Sri Lanka. He studied 8 years in Sri Lanka and has done Islamic courses in Pakistan & Egypt as well. He gained broad knowledge about Shariah & Tasawwuf (Sufism) from the great scholars in Makkah, Madina & Jeddah. Specially from As - Seyed Muhammad Alawi Al - Maliki Al - This is a Baith who sang by Rabiyathul Adaviyyah Radhiallahu Anha who born in Hijri 100. In this video "Kaleefathush Shazuly" - Al Haj, Moulavi, As Seyed Alavi Mowlana (Al Mursi, Shazuly, Jamalullail) He is from Holy Ahlul Baith family. He is one of the most popular Islamic scholars in Sri Lanka. He studied 8 years in Sri Lanka and has done Islamic courses in Pakistan & Egypt as well. He gained broad knowledge about Shariah & Tasawwuf (Sufism) from the great scholars in Makkah, Madina & Jeddah. Specially from As - Seyed Muhammad Alawi Al - Maliki Al - Hasani (Rahmatullahi Alaihi), Dr. As - Sheikh Al - Aalimul Fadhil Muhammad Abduh Yamaani, As - Sheikh Kaleel Ibrahim Mullah Khathir and As - Sheikh Aadil Azzam As Shazuly (Rahmatullahi Alaihi).


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