How to make your own first impressions haystack

Описание к видео How to make your own first impressions haystack

This activity created by Tweed Regional Gallery invites young people to build their own Monet haystack while exploring and playing with complementary colours.

Download our activity sheet at and and try this at home or at school.

Resources needed:
• Tissue paper, cut into strips.
• Sticky tape
• Glue
• Printed activity sheet (or copy this by hand from the screen)

Impressionists were masters of colour and used complementary colours in their paintings. Complementary colours are opposite each other on a colour wheel and seem to vibrate or pop when placed side by side.

~ Red and Green
~ Violet and yellow
~ Blue and Orange

A Monet in Murwillumbah: Sharing the National Collection
Claude Monet's Meules, milieu du jour [Haystacks, midday], 1890 is on exhibition at Tweed Regional Gallery as part of the National Gallery of Australia’s Sharing the National Collection initiative.

Between 1890 and 1891, Monet painted his Haystacks series exploring the nuances of light, shade, tone and colour across the seasons and at different times of the day. Meules, milieu du jour [Haystacks, midday] 1890 is a glorious work from this series, filled with dazzling light and luminous colour.

This work of art is on long-term loan from the National Gallery of Australia with support from the Australian Government as part of Sharing the National Collection until the 26th of October 2025.

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