1991 [60fps] Captain America and The Avengers Iron Man ALL

Описание к видео 1991 [60fps] Captain America and The Avengers Iron Man ALL

キャプテンアメリカ アンド ジ アベンジャーズ / Captain America and The Avengers (Japan Rev 0.2) Data East 1991 1コインALL(クリア時残り体力123) 連付/同時押ボタン有/社長使用 Player うわらば 収録Ver ThunderMAME32+ 0.106X いかんせんキャラクタが小さ過ぎて、まるで迫力がゼロです。セガのスパイダーマンもそうですが、魅力的な原作が活かしきれていないですね。プレイしていてイマイチ面白くないのも同じ? 

mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/

キャプテンアメリカ アンド ジ アベンジャーズ

CPU構成[ARM, HuC6280] 音源チップ[YM2151, OKI6295 (2)]

悪の力を集結させ、世界征服をたくらむ悪の首領"レッドスカル"!? 地球に平和を取り戻すことを使命にヒーローたちが立ち上がる!!
[出典:キャプテンアメリカ アンド ジ アベンジャーズ 業務用販促チラシ(データイースト)]

Captain America and the Avengers (c) 1991 Data East Corp.

A side-scrolling beat'em up (punctuated with occasional shoot'em up sections) in which one or more players take on the role of either Captain America, Iron Man, Vision, or Hawkeye as they prepare to do battle with Red Skull and his henchmen. Each player character has a different weapon or power that can be used throughout the game to assist them in combat. Captain America uses his shield, Iron Man uses his repulsor rays, Vision uses his solar beam and Hawkeye uses his bow and arrows. There are also additional superheroes such as Quicksilver, Sub-Mariner, Wonder Man, and The Wasp who appear at certain points in the game to assist the player characters. Some of the super-villain foes that await the heroes are Klaw, The Living Laser, Whirlwind, The Grim Reaper, The Wizard, The Controllers, The Mandarin, The Juggernaut (from X-Men), Ultron and Crossbones. The game consists of all five stages.


Game ID : MAN

Main CPU : ARM (@ 7 Mhz), HuC6280 (@ 4.0275 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.58 Mhz), OKI6295 (@ 7.757 Khz), OKI6295 (@ 15.514 Khz)

Players : 2 or 4 (selectable by dipswitch)
Control: 8-Way Joystick
Buttons: 2
= [1] Start/Attack [2] Jump


Captain America and the Avengers was released in October 1991.


Executive Producer : Koji Jinbo (K. Jimbo)
Project Leader : Iwao Horita (Horitan)
Marketing : Makoto Nagao, Hitoshi Kitazume
Hardware Designers : Mad Scientist Dr.Yaj Mahal
Hardware Assistant : Toshio Kawamoto
Sound Designers: Tomoyoshi Sato (Tom Sato), Tatsuya Kiuchi (Mr. K)
Graphic Master : Masanori Tokoro
Graphics Cooperaters : Sonomi Kiyota, Oguri, Atsushi Takahashi, Hiroshi Koga, Touma Arakawa
Translators : Yoshiya Nishi, Steve Miller, Etsuko Kobata
Back Up : Jeff Brown, Naomi Susa
Graphic Producer : Tomoji Kodama
Graphic A.P. : Yaeko Kodama
Key Animator : Takashi Sokabe
In Between : Akihiko Mamashita
Background : Fumie Nuibe
Color Director : Noriyuki Yoshino
Graphic Designers : Hanaita, Ayumi Hanimaru, Yasuyuki Sato, Surupi
Game Designer : Hidenobu Ito
Software Designers : Tac. H, Hiroshi Ohnuki, Tesa Amusement Service, MI Computer, KM
Special Thanks : H. Fukuda, Deco all planners, Kappa-Kun, Tomoo Adachi, Yoshiyuki Ishibiki, Shinichi Sato, Kenichi Fujimoto, Yuichi Shiono, Eiichi Nishiyama


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