Five Lems: Jonathan Lethem on Stanisław Lem

Описание к видео Five Lems: Jonathan Lethem on Stanisław Lem

How many Stanisław Lems were there? Five (at least), according to Jonathan Lethem. This short film, adapted from Lethem’s recent piece for the LRB, takes a voyage into the Lem cosmos.

Read Lethem's essay on Lem here:

The Five Lems:

0:08 Lem One: A 20th Century Hard SF writer
1:40 Lem Two: Phantasmagorical Satirist
3:02 Lem Three: Mystery Writer
3:33 Lem Four: The Pure Post-Modernist
4:33 Lem Five: Supreme Armchair Anythingist

Narrated by Jonathan Lethem
Music: Albatros by Krojc -    • Albatros  
Produced and edited by Anthony Wilks

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Some of the Lem adaptations, and other films, featured in this video:

Tarkovsky’s Solaris:    • Solaris 1972 Andrey Tarkovski -720p- ...  
Navigator Pirx:    • Дознание пилота Пиркса | Test pilota ...  
Le Voyage Dans la Lune:    • Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902) - Georg...  
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea:    • 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1954) G...  
First Spaceship on Venus:    • Видео  
Voyage to the End of the Universe:    • Voyage to the End of the Universe ("I...  
Verný robot:    • Verny robot 1965  
Professor Zazul:    • Profesor Zazul - 1965  
Ijon Tichy:    • IJON TICHY - Kongres futurologiczny  
Przekładaniec:    • Видео  
Возвращение со звезд:    • "Возвращение со звезд", 2 серия, теле...  
Śledztwo:    • Видео  


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