Vacuum Photo Copy Stand.wmv

Описание к видео Vacuum Photo Copy Stand.wmv

This is a basic description of how to build a vacuum base photo copy stand so you can use a digital camera to digitize paper photos. The vacuum plate allows the photos to pull flat so you can use a digital camera instead of a scanner. It is much faster, easier and better resolution than a scanner. Normal copy stands have a glass that you raise and lower to keep the pictures flat which gets dirty and has internal reflections that haze the picture. Plus you have to raise and lower the glass. This method allows you to digitize photos basically as fast as you can move your hands.

The technical problems with building a copy stand this compact are huge. Using a glass cover would cause multiple internal reflections which causes a hazy look. Also with lights this close the edges of the photo would start to lighten as they pick up the reflection of the lights. If the photo is very flat - all these problems go away, and the vacuum base provides for this.


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