Journey to 100 Fireside Chat :Dr. Rangan Chatterjee [Functional Forum, James Maskell]

Описание к видео Journey to 100 Fireside Chat :Dr. Rangan Chatterjee [Functional Forum, James Maskell]

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Fireside Chat with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee | Journey to 100 is a world-exclusive conference that will explore ideas for a new and sustainable approach to lifelong health. The day will also kick start a 10-year project that aims to make Guernsey the first community in the world to break through the 100-year life expectancy barrier.

Co-curated by the Dandelion Foundation and James Maskell, founder of Evolution of Medicine, and hosted by Dr Rangan Chatterjee, the BBC’s Doctor in the House, Journey to 100 will host 20 leading global health, lifestyle and longevity experts, who will share their stories and help us to understand how we can live healthier, happier lives, from zero to 100 years old and beyond.

Join an international audience to learn why many health professionals and community leaders believe that healthy and happy ageing is not simply about medical advancements, but about our lifestyle, our diet and ultimately finding and enjoying our purpose in life.

Guernsey has the potential to show the world how factors such as community, purpose in life, preventative healthcare and a proactive approach to wellbeing could make it the first country to have an average life expectancy of 100.

Media medic Dr Rangan Chatterjee will host the conference programme, welcoming leading experts from a diverse spectrum of health, nutrition and wellness disciplines to the stage. Topics ranging from functional medicine to the importance of community will be presented via focused talks and panel discussions. The event will be live-streamed to a global audience, creating a platform for the island to be at the forefront of an international movement.

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