Shopping With Tourettes Syndrome || Disabilities In Society

Описание к видео Shopping With Tourettes Syndrome || Disabilities In Society

hi everybody!

i filmed this a couple weeks ago showing what its like being in public when my tics are more severe. i had been having a more calm spell so this was a pretty vocal day for me compared to the past few weeks. i just wanted to show how it can take a toll on my mindset, i manage pretty well but its difficult having attention drawn to myself that i have no control over, i'd rather just shop in peace!

not every shopping trip is like this, some days i dont really have any issues and can go by unnoticed, but the severity of tourettes waxes and wanes.

if you see someone in public with a visible difference, please try not to stare. smile at us, it makes me feel so accepted.

hope you learnt something xx


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