ReWind Electric - Low Output PAF Set - Marshall Amp & Celestian Greenback Speakers

Описание к видео ReWind Electric - Low Output PAF Set - Marshall Amp & Celestian Greenback Speakers

Recently refined to be exact clones of an early 1960's AlNiCo II PAF set, the version 2 Low Output PAFs truly capture the well known and classic sound of the last-of-the-run PAFs at the end of Kalamazoo’s glory days. With custom wire sizes for each of the four coils, chemically identical steel alloys, eight hole keeper bars, and custom cast magnets to match chemical makeup and grain size both, this set is truly a remarkable representation of the originals in every way. Bright overall, but full and balanced, with the very characteristic metallic chirp in the upper-mids and lower-treble that has defined the PAF voice on so many classic recordings. These custom brighter-sounding American AlNiCo II magnets, made exclusively for ReWind, have a prominent midrange with a slight compression and a very sweet singing treble with excellent sustain on single notes, exactly like the vintage originals which were partially destroyed in the research process for these pickups. The Low Output PAFs are extremely articulate with some of the best note separation ever heard in humbuckers and a voice that is likely the most widely associated with “vintage PAFs.” These truly represent the crisper, chirpy PAFs of the early 1960’s both in construction and in voice. A better representation is not likely to be found.

Demo tastefully played by Zach Toman of Fidelio. and


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