Transformed: Facing Giants In Life & Work with Malcolm Gladwell & Rick Warren

Описание к видео Transformed: Facing Giants In Life & Work with Malcolm Gladwell & Rick Warren --Learn how to face the giants in life and in work in this message from our weekend series: 50 Days of Transformation. This week Pastor Rick Warren focuses on transforming your vocational health. This series is centered around our Transformed study with Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church.

In this final message of the series, Pastor Rick and special guest Malcolm Gladwell use the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:1-52 to illustrate the ways you can defeat the giants that keep you from fulfilling the dreams that God has for your life. Malcolm Gladwell takes us through the story of David and Goliath and gives us a new look at how to approach the giants in our lives. God didn't bring you here to watch everyone else's life be transformed--Join in at

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