Agumon (Digimon Adventure) All Digivolutions - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory

Описание к видео Agumon (Digimon Adventure) All Digivolutions - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory

A Reptile Digimon that’s developed the ability to walk on two legs, similar in appearance to a tiny dinosaur. Since Agumon isn’t fully matured, it lacks strength, but its fierce disposition makes it reckless. Hard, sharp claws grow from its limbs, and Agumon makes full use of them in battle. Agumon shows much potential, promising Digivolution into a great and powerful Digimon.

🌠Tamer: Yagami Taichi (Taichi "Tai" Kamiya)

Taichi is an adventurous boy who acts as the leader of the Chosen Children in Digimon Adventure and the leader of the senior group in Digimon Adventure 02. He is the older brother to fellow Chosen Child Yagami Hikari, and can be extremely protective of her, just like how Ishida Yamato is with Takaishi Takeru. Taichi wears a pair of goggles, a characteristic that is shared among most of the main characters of other Digimon adaptations and is synonymous with leadership in the Digimon franchise as a whole.

As a leader, he often acts first without realizing the consequences of his actions. This has led him to moments of friction and guilt between his friends, as well as his Digimon partner, Agumon. However, he manages to do whatever is necessary to rectify the situation, and in times of need, save friends and family from certain doom.

He lives with his father, Susumu, a businessman, his mother, Yuuko, a housewife, and his younger sister, Hikari. In Adventure, they also had a cat, Miiko. Taichi is a talented soccer player, and is so good at the game that he became a regular in his elementary school's soccer club when he was just in the fifth grade. He might have had feelings for Sora as seen in A very Digi-Christmas.

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🎉MetalGreymon: Vaccine

🎉MetalGreymon: Virus



🎉Mugendramon (Machinedramon):


🎉Omegamon Alter-S:

🎉Agumon Yuki No Kizuna (Bond of Bravery):

#Agumon #DigimonAdventure #YagamiTaichi
#Botamon #Koromon #Greymon #SkullGreymon #MetalGreymon
#WarGreymon #Omegamon #Mugendramon #BlitzGreymon
#DigimonStory #CyberSleuth #HackersMemory

0:00 Subtitle
0:09 Botamon
0:18 Koromon
0:35 Agumon
0:54 Greymon
1:13 SkullGreymon
1:30 MetalGreymon: Vaccine
1:49 MetalGreymon: Virus
2:12 WarGreymon
2:38 Omegamon
3:06 Mugendramon (Machinedramon)
3:24 BlitzGreymon
3:43 Omegamon Alter-S
4:05 Thank You!


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