Wireless interference network using ns2 simulation Projects

Описание к видео Wireless interference network using ns2 simulation Projects

Wireless interference network is a framework to model communication systems composed of multiple sources and destinations. Each source intends to communicate with its dedicated destination and all sources share the same transmission medium. http://ns2simulator.com/

Concepts presented in wireless interference networks:
• To establish the optimality of interference alignment
• Discuss power control problem in a wireless time-varying K-user interference network
• Define non-cooperative game theoretic approach
• Analysis of effective network utility maximization with respect to power and rate control
• Study on ergodic interference alignment scheme
• A formal model of interference to estimate the maximum rate at which flows can safely send traffic without overloading the network.
• traffic patterns
• mobility
• network coding
• interference alignment in modern cellular network
• interference in wireless mesh network


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