KSP CHALLENGE: How Far Can We REALLY Take the Kerbal X?

Описание к видео KSP CHALLENGE: How Far Can We REALLY Take the Kerbal X?

This was a fun challenge idea I had: the stock vessel "Kerbal X" is advertised as being a Minmus lander, with potential for Mun too. But I think it's capable of far more impressive feats ;)

👕Buy my Merch!!.............►https://bit.ly/3fM2BKs
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🚀Second channel.............►https://goo.gl/cww3Ik

This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old.

Watch the music video!
   • Stock Kerbal X to Pol and Bop - No re...  

Craft file:
Just make a new sandbox save and you'll have it


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