特斯拉自營保險2.0揭露,這些行為竟會讓你的保費飛漲!These behaviors have caused insurance premiums to soar!

Описание к видео 特斯拉自營保險2.0揭露,這些行為竟會讓你的保費飛漲!These behaviors have caused insurance premiums to soar!

特斯拉保險 2.0 安全評分:如何避免保費上升?🚗⚡
大家好,歡迎來到我們的特斯拉之旅頻道!今天,我們將探討特斯拉剛推出的自營保險安全評分2.0。🚀 特別提醒,超速行駛、深夜駕駛等四項因素會影響保費哦!💰
Tesla Insurance 2.0 Safety Rating: How to Avoid Premium Increases? 🚗⚡
Hello everyone, welcome to our Tesla journey channel! Today, we will explore Tesla's newly launched self-operated insurance safety rating 2.0.🚀 Please note that four factors such as speeding and driving late at night will affect your premium!💰
In this video, I will share practical tips on how to avoid premium increases. From properly controlling speed to adjusting your driving time, we will analyze them one by one and help you make full use of Tesla Insurance!🔧🔑


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