SHORES OF GOLD Tall Tale COMPLETE Walkthrough | All Commendations ► Sea of Thieves

Описание к видео SHORES OF GOLD Tall Tale COMPLETE Walkthrough | All Commendations ► Sea of Thieves

This is a complete walkthrough guide on doing the Shores of Gold tall tale and how to get all the commendations or achievements for this tale in Sea of Thieves. You have to do this one five times to get all commendations! You can unlock the Gold Curse here as well.

2023 Guide to Finding the Vaults Easily:    • How to find the Shores of Gold VAULTS...  

0:00 How to start the Shores of Gold tall tale
0:22 Head to Y3 on the map
0:50 Journal #1
1:02 South Vault Puzzle
2:00 Place the Medallions here
2:10 West Vault Puzzle
2:47 East Vault Puzzle
3:28 Move your ship to the North area
3:46 North Vault Puzzle
4:58 Deliver this Medallion
5:22 Collect the other Medallions
5:31 Directions from Waterfall to Compass Room
5:48 Journal #2
6:00 Directions to the Compass Room
6:19 Journal #3
6:25 Collect the Gold Hoarder Coin
6:51 Journal #4
7:07 Journal #5
7:44 Open the Gold Hoarder Cave Door
8:22 Journal #6
8:35 Journal #7
8:47 Cave Traps and Parkour
9:16 Journal #8
9:24 Cave Traps and Skeletons
9:46 Journal #9
10:00 Pull 3 Levers to open the door
10:18 Journal #10
10:27 Gold Hoarder Fight
11:03 How to get the Golden Curse
11:23 Sell the Skull 5 Times

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