Jerusalem Day - Breslov (Jewish Hasidic group) party on Jaffa Road (Jerusalem's main street)

Описание к видео Jerusalem Day - Breslov (Jewish Hasidic group) party on Jaffa Road (Jerusalem's main street)

Ahead of the march, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that "flying the flag of Israel in the capital of Israel is an obvious thing" and that Israel had made this clear "from the outset." At the same time, he asked participants to celebrate in a "responsible and respectful manner."
Thousands of Israelis paraded in Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday, including through the Damascus Gate, to mark Jerusalem Day. The march, designed as a celebration, was in defiance of various threats by Palestinians, including terrorists in Gaza who warned that this could trigger a confrontation like in 2021. The march itself was uneventful and culminated, as planned, with a major ceremony at the Western Wall with thousands of participants dancing to music. But in various Arab neighborhoods in the capital rioters targeted Israeli forces during and after the march, hurling rocks and engaging in other forms of violence. Some 50 rioters were arrested, with several officers injured.
The crowds, who were overwhelmingly young Orthodox Jews carrying Israeli flags, celebrated the reunification of Israel's capital in the aftermath of the Six-Day War.

Hamas and various Palestinian figures warned that the parade, despite not being any different than previous years, was a provocation because its path included the Muslim Quarter.

Israel deployed thousands of police and security forces for the event, and small scuffles between Jewish and Palestinian groups erupted inside the Old City. As the march got underway, groups of Orthodox Jewish groups gathered outside Damascus Gate, waving flags, singing religious and national songs, and shouting "the Jewish nation lives" before entering the Muslim Quarter.

Police cleared Palestinians out of the area, which is normally a bustling Palestinian thoroughfare. At one point, a drone flying a Palestinian flag flew overhead and was intercepted.

Ahead of the march, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that "flying the flag of Israel in the capital of Israel is an obvious thing" and that Israel had made this clear "from the outset." At the same time, he asked participants to celebrate in a "responsible and respectful manner."

Thousands of people normally take part in the march through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, including some who shout out nationalistic or racist slogans toward the Palestinians, before making their way to the Western Wall in the Jewish Quarter.


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