維珍郵輪英勇女士號 Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady Ship Tour

Описание к видео 維珍郵輪英勇女士號 Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady Ship Tour

等咗三年,終於可以再上郵輪喇! 今次我揀咗呢隻維珍郵輪,佢同傳統郵輪好唔同,呢架船嘅營運模式亦都未必個個接受到,片尾會有深入講解,大家睇完可以決定呢架船啱唔啱你。

After a 3 years hiatus, we're back on a cruise ship! I've been eyeing Virgin Voyages for a while now and it's great to finally be onboard. It's a fantastic ship but I can see that this ship is not for everybody. Come take a look and you can decide it for yourself. Enjoy the vid!

0:00 - 上船程序 Intro and Boarding
1:39 - 房間 Our Room
5:55 - 船上設施 Ship Facilities
14:38 - 餐飲選擇 Dining Options
20:13 - 結論 Verdict and Recommendations


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