1st Wedding Anniversary & Marriage Q&A | 외국인 아내와의 1주년 결혼기념일 & 청혼을 결정하게된 확신 (자막 CC)

Описание к видео 1st Wedding Anniversary & Marriage Q&A | 외국인 아내와의 1주년 결혼기념일 & 청혼을 결정하게된 확신 (자막 CC)

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Hey guys!

Tomorrow is our first wedding anniversary—time certainly flies! It’s hard to believe that a year ago, we were both nervously trying to get some sleep for the next big day. Now, a year later, we are currently doing the finishing touches on this video (with Beemo walking over our keyboards), and we’re not stressed about having to wake up for hair and makeup at 5:30AM!

We’ve gotten quite a few questions about why we decided to marry one another, so we decided to just touch on a few qualities that were/are really important to us when considering a partner and making a relationship work.

We know everyone is different, and every couple is different, but this is just from our personal experience :D What are some important qualities to you when considering a partner?

Thank you so much for watching, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, guys! :D


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