🟢 ZENIQ's association with Tupan is a great boost for the Blockchain industry and the ZENIQ Smart Chain.
🟢 To mint the new "TUPAN Community Token (TCT)", that is, to be able to mint it yourself at home, you need a ZENIQ HUB01 in which a TUPAN HUB plugin is placed or you need a complete Zeniq Housing Hub.
🟢 TUPAN plugins can still be purchased in advance with an extra minting yield. If you start this week you will have a return of 108%, initially, you will receive 108 TUPAN TCT tokens per day and approximately 29,900 tokens in the first year.
🟢 The initial price of the token will be $0.0369 (€0.035)!
🟢 A maximum of 10 billion TUPAN TCT can be minted with 1.5 million TUPAN HUB add-ons.
🟢 There is the so-called "Halving" as they are similar to burning and maintaining the deflationary system.
🌿 The sales reduction applies to all TUPAN HUB accessories sold.
🌿 The time-halving (token value reduction over time) starts individually for each TUPAN HUB plugin on the day of its acquisition.
🟢 ZENIQ and Tupan are based on the "green currency", that is, it works by saving energy through the sustainable technology of its blockchain, creating new values from it. It's the metaverse coming true.
🟢 The performance of ZENIQ Blockchain is tremendous and its Smart Chain exceeds 1000 times the capacity of Ethereum.
🟢 Like Binance and Ethereum, ZENIQ is based on EVM with Solidity programming language. Therefore, existing "old codes" can be transferred directly to the new ZENIQ Smart Chain. The "old" TUPAN tokens will thus become the new TUPAN TCT.
We thank ZENIQ, TUPAN, and all the technicians involved, as well as the TUPAN community for their efforts! 🚀
👉Join Telegram Channel for Updates:
👉 Safir ZENIQ WhatsApp Group:
TUPAN Masternodes ADDons are available on June 10 in the back office.
1 hub01: 1 addon possible
Printing power: 110 TUPAN TOKEN per day down from 1 TOKEN per week to 100 TOKENS/day to be opened for HUB01 fraction holders.
SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000 TUPAN tokens
ADDITIONAL MASTERNODES: 1.5 million additional.
HALVING: every 2000 addons sold, 1%
How does the TUPAN MINT TOKEN work?
Each masternode will be like the power of pollination, germination, irrigation, and reforestation of trees, in real life! The process will even make it possible to follow all the evolution of deforestation according to the climatic conditions of the time! HUGE, REAL NFT PRINTING PROJECT IN REAL TIME REAL value!
The mechanism: The FORESTAU LLC company buys deforested land, replants it thanks to MINTING, and resells the NFT in the form of carbon credits on the world market. These resale carbon credits allow our TUPAN TOKEN to increase in value regularly with identical stability to the avinoc token for example... big project, a big challenge for years to come! All this is regulated, and approved by global financial institutions!
THE ZENIQ COIN: Of course affected because all tokenization projects in ZSC (zeniq smart chain) burn ZENIQ COIN, and now the real burning process will start as all smart contracts in this zeniq smart chain will feature this burning mechanism! ERWIN DOCTOR explained to us that EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and each new project speeds up burning!
1 TOKENIZATION event by ZENIQ at the end of OCTOBER 2022
1 SAFIR/ZENIQ event 4,5,6 DECEMBER 2022 In Dubai (take advantage of us to participate in Dubai AIRSHOW, just after 6,7,8, 22 December).
It's going to start off hard!
PRIZE IN DUBAI for an event at our company with ZENIQ BOARD and SAFIR!
Decentralized Exchange:
Create an Account in Crypto Exchanger International:
1. https://www.binance.com/en/register?r...
2. https://www.kucoin.com/ucenter/signup...
Referral Code: rPVBJGL
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#zeniq #safir #tupan
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